Tuesday, February 1, 2022

How to play Ubersoldier 1 on windows 10 without crash.

When i tried to run Ubersoldier 1 on Windows 10 it crashed in the loading screen. Intro video also didn't played. Only logo was shown. Game folder has a config file config.ini which can be used to change settings before game starts. In windowed mode the intro video played correctly.

We can check the logs for problems of crash etc. Its inside the bugreport folder. I looked at the bug report which contained below lines in file runtime.log -

SERVER Module information:

SERVER D:\Games\UberSoldier\xtend.exe : base 00400000 offset to crash: 048AD00A

SERVER D:\Games\UberSoldier\platforms\3DNow_SSE\sv.dll : base 04A30000 offset to crash: 0027D00A

SERVER D:\Games\UberSoldier\platforms\3DNow_SSE\cl.dll : base 11000000 offset to crash: N/A

SERVER D:\Games\UberSoldier\platforms\3DNow_SSE\xtend3d.dll : base 052A0000 offset to crash: N/A

SERVER Faulty module: D:\Games\UberSoldier\platforms\3DNow_SSE\sv.dll

SERVER Function offset in map file: 0027C00A

The problem is with the accelerated modules. Todays CPUs are fast and can run well even without 3DNow etc. I removed the 3DNow_SSE folder from platforms folder. Game worked!.

The solution is -

1. Run game in windows XP compatibility mode.

2. Go to <Game installation>/platforms/ folder. Make backups of 3DNow_SSE & SSE2 folders somewhere and delete original ones. Just keep the common folder untouched. Common folder has generic CPU code and runs on most platforms. Now game can run without crash.

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