Monday, June 17, 2024

Tiny guide of relationship

How to check if someone is good for you?

Suppose you like someone and making mind to remain with him/her for marriage or just as a trustable person, friend etc. In this relationship notice below -

- Its only you who is offering things. its you who always asks for serving, asks about problems and tries to fix all issues.

- She/he doesn't bother to ask if you are having problems etc.

- She/he remains disappointed by you very frequently.

- Doesn't bothers or even thinks i.e. forgets your existence when she/he is with other people no matter for how much long time.

For above being true, this is one sided case you are just a hormone overloaded person blinded by emotions. You are guaranteed to end up being a labour who just provided services to a king/queen and prepare to get ditched.

No matter who the 2nd person is whether a kid or grown up always check is that person happy because you give attention and provide things? But they never care for you much. Wake up and have some self respect. Just help them if needed and don't become a 24x7 available serving agent.
Try to spend time with animals they will show you how to give someone worth who cares. If you give food to animals they will behave more better ways than humans generally do.

Below are truth everyone must know

- Most people do not change with whatever character they are born. If someone is careless during childhood will remain careless even in 40-50+. Very few can progress themselves by finding own faults. There is popular Hindi proverb which says "पूत के पाँव पालने में पहचाने जाते हैं" this means hint of future are visible in small acts of someone during present. Exact meaning is how a kid moves his/her legs shows what they will do in future. This all just means if you know someone is careless by nature then stop expecting them to become caring person even after many years. It needs life lessons for that person to change. Let them suffer and learn the meaning of being caring rather than just waiting to become a caring person. Same way a person with high ego will suffer like hell still won't give up their ego. Overly Ego is hell of disease.

- People do not learn just by listening lectures. You cannot teach what heat and cold is by telling stories. One has to touch hot iron or suffer heat of summer, cold of winter to learn what hot and cold is. Same way a good friend's value is learnt when one suffers with pathetic people. This is the reason most school fail. Whether you pay low fee or high fee if school is appace for good oral lectures then it has no big worth. E.g. Japanese schools tech cleanliness etc from childhood by letting child actually clean the classroom etc. People learn by practical not reading from books.

Above two are most critical points everyone has to understand by heart. Ignoring these will only hurt.

Below is more related to marriage and little biased to focus on males than females. 

After seeing lots of trends worldwide where men are no longer wanting to get married. Many women also don't want to marry but the reason men have is more critical and widespread in modern times where money is considered the magic key of everything.

When a man is selected for marriage most important thing is what he earns, job and property he has. Why its so common that most females feel themselves entitled to get kings, CEOs, high earning managers etc. Women have huge desires inside them and this becomes a problem for everyone.

Why do females think they deserve the best? what makes them believe they deserve the best only? What are they offering to the best they desire? Some beautiful hairs and super charming beauty that can feed food to millions. This is not what people need in their 30+ age. This only works in school and college time only when most are driven by energetic body full of desires, emotions at peak.

Males will have a better life with woman who understands that hard work is mandatory to get good things in life. She should have good health and must be practical. She shouldn't be a person full of desires imagining to get the best man without even knowing where she herself stands. Females who haven't done any real self assessment. Trying to focus on her body only because she thinks this is what the whole planet needs. if girl thinks she is beautiful and deserve the king of country she will make the life hell because non fulfilment of desire creates anger. She will always remain in state of disappointment that she could have got much more in life. This dissatisfaction ruins life slowly slowly.

Life hits hard when this beautiful look is lost. Such women are actually a burden. Woke women are for example a burden. Woke women are who just thinks she is great but has no skills. She has only confidence nothing else. Women in viral videos where they say they don't need man. Both need each other and who doesn't believe this must fix their mentality and needs more maturity. For married life both genders need life critical skills, good health and strength to handle financial and other similar troubles.

Now some Important points for women. If a man has immaturity and just keeps dreaming of beautiful women he will definitely become a bad husband. Imagine a husband that only comes back to home from months of work thinking of having sexual fantasies with his beautiful wife instead of emotional care for her and others. This is so immature and kind of mentally sick. Men generally have tendency to control. Even if its younger brother he can have tendency to lecture his elder sister.

One thing that has to kept in mind is anyone can be of any mentality type. Do not believe stereotypes.

Today money is critical to lots of things and has become the only thing people want. But life teaches lessons nobody wanted to learn. In ancient times money was not just a paper currency money was having a land, domestic animals, plants, farms etc was all money.

This post is about how to choose with whom one must invest more time and emotions. There are many other factors that also work but these are some of core points that must be addressed.